Who we are

Let’s Eat McGill is a student-run political organization mobilizing to instigate transformative food system change at McGill. Our campaign formed in Winter 2023 in response to unaffordable cafeteria prices, rampant food insecurity and inaccessibility, lack of student consultation, and the near absence of cooperative student-led food providers on McGill campuses. Additionally, we recognize that the problems within McGill’s food system stems from McGill’s food contracts with transnational for-profit food providers – whose operations not only exploit students as a captive market, but produce negative externalities like environmental harm from unsustainable agriculture, exploitative labour practices, and don’t contribute to local economies. This is why our group seeks to research, propose, and advocate for a sustainable alternative food system at McGill. Transformative campus food systems have the potential to give back to the community by creating jobs, opportunities for students, education, and economic growth that benefits local communities and mitigates negative environmental impact. Our mobilization efforts are guided by the principle of food sovereignty, a belief that students and community stakeholders are entitled to control over campus food systems to create ethical and sustainable approaches that place student health before profit.



We want affordable, sustainable and student-managed food options on campus.